Open Gathering
"I See You": Reflections of What We See - InterPlay Meets Photography
led by Karen Hatch
01 Mar 2025, 10am - 4pm
Seekers Church, 276 Carroll St NW, Washington DC 20012
Come InterPlay with some of your favorite photographs.
We’ll apply InterPlay forms and use our voices to move and lean into sound and stillness as we look at our images with body wisdom.
How are our images meaningful and just how, and why do we create them? What feelings arise when we “see” them again?
To enter the building, please go all the way up the driveway next to Seekers
Church, and use the back door that is on the wide porch.
There is free-all-day parking at the metro station across the street.
$25 for the day - cash, check or
No need to register just come and make sure you sign in.
Attention: For those new to InterPlay
The Open Gathering starts promptly at 10 am and breaks for lunch at 12:30 pm.
The morning and the first 45 minutes of the afternoon are led by a number of
different certified leaders, who introduce a theme for the day. From 2:00 -
2:45 pm, after the lunch break, InterPlay forms are led continuing the theme of
the day. Then at 2:45 until close at 4 pm we have “Offerings”, where anyone can
make an offering whether it be an InterPlay form or something else. Offerings is
an open format where the participants determine the content. Offerings can be
forms with multiple participants, a personal story, a poem, or an experience the
individual would like to share. The person who proposes an offering must be a
part of it. Participants are “at choice” whether to contribute or may simply
witness the entire time. The offering time is oriented more toward experienced
InterPlayers, so newcomers may wish to wait until they have experienced a few
InterPlay gatherings before coming to the Offerings. However, participants who
are newer to Interplay may be inspired by the wide variety of offerings,
play-ideas and improvisational scenarios that more experienced InterPlayers may
bring up. Newcomers are encouraged and invited to experience the essence of play
that each Open Gathering explores!
Come for the whole day or however long it suits you.